5 Funny Dating and Relationship Blogs I Love

bloggerIf you’re looking for some great blogs on the humor of relationships (you know, besides this one), check these out:

Soon2BeCatLady – Sharing adventures of modern online dating. Hilarious, in that way where I’m so glad it’s not me.

Single Girl Blogging – Love, love the adventures of this singleton.

My Life on Match & More – Honest, sometimes funny, and occasionally a little horrifying.

Aussa Lorens – I guess this one isn’t a dating blog anymore, since Aussa just got married, but the archives chronicle many a dating (mis)adventure, plus Aussa’s super fun, no matter the subject matter.

Tripp Advice – Less about humor and relationships, but humorously written and with some pretty damn good advice I wish I’d known when I was in dating world!


8 thoughts on “5 Funny Dating and Relationship Blogs I Love

  1. Ok. In
    Sorry. But most pathetic blog ever seen. In process of doing pen. But come

    Have fucking fun. Live life. You are Lame.

  2. Awesome list! Sometimes, you have relationship questions that you just don’t want to ask your mom, your best friend, your coworker, or some random person on the street. You want someone with more experience,

  3. Man, these relationship blogs are awesome! Nothing like having a good laugh about the adventures of the world of online dating, right? “Soon2BeCatLady” looks like quite an adventure! And “Single Girl Blogging” also promises to be just fun, following the adventures of this spinster. “My Life on Match & More” seems to be very honest and sometimes even scary, but it certainly brings a good laugh. And how about “Aussa Lorens”? Even after the wedding, it seems like there is a lot of story to tell. I love it when life imitates comedy!

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