A Dream About Matt

I had a dream about Matt last night. If I’d had a choice in the matter, I would have passed.


But I saw a family picture on Facebook of Matt and his wife and kids right before I went to bed, without thinking about it or really processing it at all, and my subconscious decided it wasn’t done with that shit, I guess.

It wasn’t exactly an unpleasant dream. There was a confrontation of sorts. Matt called me out for pretending I didn’t notice him and his family sitting near me in church every Sunday. (Psyches are weird. Matt doesn’t even live in my country, and I don’t ever go to church.)

And then I explained that I don’t really want to be friends with him, because I don’t. He seemed sort of ok with that.

The rest of the dream was me playing with his kids. I don’t even really want to venture a guess as to what sort of messed up thing that probably means.

Hopefully my psyche is done processing this now and will leave me in peace.

3 thoughts on “A Dream About Matt

  1. I dreamed last night that I was on the staff of President Josiah Bartlett and quite possibly Sam Seaborn’s girlfriend. I’m guessing that falling asleep to episodes of The West Wing is beginning to have an effect.

    The next time we get together we should do a Jungian dream analysis of this Matt dream. N the meantime, I wish you restful and pleasant dreams for the remainder of the week.

  2. I have to say I am really enjoying your blog, I just visited from Bloggy Moms Friday Facebook Hop. I have many experiences like your posts and although it was hard to get through I am in a much better place. I have even had dreams like the one you had of Matt. I have no idea why I have had these dreams cause they make no sense just get me thinking about that stupid boy.
    Tammy recently posted…Santa’s Reindeer CamMy Profile

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Tammy! So glad you’re enjoying the posts! Psyches and dreams are so weird, aren’t they?

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